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Black Ops Testing

In October 2013, at the London Tester Gathering 2013, I co-presented a full day workshop with Tony Bruce, Steve Green and James Lyndsay. We worked through a simple testing lifecycle using an open source application covering scouting, planning, attacking, tools, and automation.

Black Ops Testing Thumb Image

Black Ops Testing - London Tester Gathering Workshops 2013

In October 2013, at the London Tester Gathering 2013, I co-presented a full day workshop with Tony Bruce, Steve Green and James Lyndsay. We worked through a simple testing lifecycle using an open source application covering scouting, planning, attacking, tools, and automation.

This was our first time presenting together and it worked well.

Each of us has different experiences of how we approach and model the topics under discussion, so although each of us notionally ’led’ one of the sections, we could each contribute our alternative views and models on the sections and engage in discussion about the topic

We tried to make the workshop as practical as possible with debriefs to allow the workshop participants to contribute their own experience into the mix, as well as our views.

Our whole presentation had a healthy dose of irreverance. As emphasised in the tag line “They’re easier to find than the A-Team, but just as hard”.

The best thing for me was the emphasis on discussion of practical experience and the application of theory, rather than ’theory'.

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